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Attack side of the castle.


Hello, dear developers!
I would like to suggest adding a siege camp like from the game: Stronghold. The siege camp will serve to create siege weapons for attacking the castle, so as not to carry a battering ram from your base, or siege weapons, which takes a huge amount of time, can be created not far from the castle. A siege camp can be placed 300 meters from the castle, and you need to prepare in advance the necessary amount of resources to create the siege camp itself and to create siege weapons. Accordingly, the clans will need to prepare harnessed mules with resources and transport them to a certain position, before the start of the clan war, prepared in advance by the clan, cleared of trees, stones, etc. The siege camp will look like 2 - 3 small tents, with a small workshop for creating siege weapons and with one guild flag. Tents must match the color of the clan on the flag. Any clan participating in a war can break the enemy's siege camp, which will lead to the inability to create siege weapons. To capture one castle or city, you can set up only one siege camp, no more.

I would also like to suggest adding a tent for the spawn of allies who died during the siege of the castle. Player spawn time is 2-3 minutes. The tent should match the color of the clan and place 2 - 3 tents during the siege of one castle. It can also be broken by any clan. It will be created as a building and can be simply installed from the castle also 300 meters away.

Commander's tent. It will be created more for the visual/RP, so that the commander of the attacking side does not just stand somewhere in the field, but so that he stands under the small protection of his retinue and can command his forces. It can also be placed 300 meters from the castle and can also be broken. Also, the tent will match the color of the clan.


New member
I think I liked the approach that Dark Age of Camelot did:
- Siege engines (ram, catapult, trebuchet, ballista, siege tower, etc) could be bought at a merchant that would take a lot of weight (so caster could carry one but a str debuff would slow them down), or it could be player crafted that would in effect put magic on it to turn it into a miniature that can be deployed on the field. Being miniatures meant more could be carried at the same time.
- Siege engines could be placed anywhere, there were no set static locations, which gave the players the freedom of tactics of where to put them, and where to hide them.
- Siege could happen all around the keep, doors were rammable, walls were breakable with trebs and catapults, ballistas were better against players, etc.
- Players had to buy and carry wood to repair doors/walls.
- Keeps that were claimed, had an upkeep from the claiming guild and the keep could be leveled up, which would add more guards, increase the hp of the door/walls, increase the difficulty of the guards, and the keep would literally grow and get bigger adding more walls.
Hello! As the Quinfall team, we highly value your suggestions and requests. Your suggestions and requests have been presented to the Quinfall development team, and necessary actions have started to be taken. For now, I can tell you that similar systems as you mentioned in your message will be available in the game. Thank you!