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We want fresh news


New member
Hello, I would like to see the news of this project more often, among the news there are also videos. There are 2 months left before the open test, and we don't know anything about the game. We don't know what she looks like or what to expect from her. What was posted earlier, this information is outdated for six months, maybe even more.
Please give us the latest news and video


New member

The devs recently gave us a heads up that they're knee-deep in work, aiming for a super smooth closed beta experience. It sounds like they've got some exciting stuff in the pipeline, and they've promised to spill all the details in January, including some much-needed videos.

I know it's tough waiting, but hang in there! They're hustling behind the scenes to make sure everything's top-notch for us. Let's cross our fingers for an awesome update next month!