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New member

So since I cannot see any skills

here and only a picture of the skill tree I suppose I dont know if what I say is already there or not, so excuse me if its already there.

I would love healers to be able to revive fallen players number one, id also love there to be some sorts of shields from healers and protections
I would also love buffs as in longer period buffs but also short period attack buffs for allies and if it doesnt exist id love an aoe hot heal that you can put on the ground of an area
and stuff like that id also love if you could be able to support even people outside of your party if they are your allies like in pvp or wars as i hope the game is gonna be a pvp game aswell

I would also love if there would be effort being put in animations for healers and also how the skills look, as in shields look esthetically nice.. and buffs look nice (as an example some glow.. or some other kind of particles that fits the class could be watery based or light or anything really green whatever).. and maybe aoe heals or heals on the ground have nice visuals.

PS: Please dont look at healing in TL or lost ark or other games where people dont like to play healers as much but look at examples of games where people actually enjoyed healing Tera is one example here aswell cause people genuinely liked healing there, and there healers in comparism to other games were very strong your dmg wasnt bad, you do alot of healing and you also can buff ALOT, you can buff cdr, attackspeed and power and even crit on mystic.. and FF14 same healers do a very good amount of dmg while also being very capable at healing and there is some buffing aswell but not as fun/great as it was in Tera


I personally do like the idea of being able to have 1 element and be good at it but i still find it sad that its very generic, fire strong dmg and ice being weak but cc.. Id love if there would also be
lightning strikes.. and maybe light or darkness... and summoners and whatnot...


Id personally love some races they can even have some benefits or perks for all i care as long as its not too strong for pvp purpose. Id especially love a Dragonkin race as its not very often used and I think alot of people would like it aswell cause alot of people do play it in FF14 and even changed their character into it as it was not an original race in the game. There is also alot of other options obv more generic and less generic ones... generic ones would be elves and kid races and cat girls and whatnot and less generic would be dark races as in blood elves or dark elves (which probably also are more generic now that i think about it) but vampire.. and a race that can breathe underwater and whatnot is less generic id say and has their base underwater would be a less generic race overall (just to give examples for races generic and non generic not saying that id neccessarily want them, the only thing id really love is dragonkin race dont care that much about other races)


Id love if the gameplay pvewise would be challenging enough and fun to do so that even after a lot of clears you still are not entirely bored off it as an example that did a better job in dungeons and raid designs what would come to mind is FF14 and also Tera people enjoyed the same content after 100times as a bad design lost ark comes to mind people are excited for the first 2-3 times and then they are already annoyed/burned out with the content. But Id also love alot of PvP, like siege battles, siege battlegrounds (like where people have the stronghold and others attack and then it swaps for the next round) 3vs3 and 5vs5 battleground is also rather enjoyable, but mass open world area pvp.. wars for nodes or guild wars and whatnot..


I'd love a system that gives everyone the chance to have an estate and farms not like in other games where you have limited housing/farming areas cause it locks out alot of players from ever experiencing it and people that are not interested in it to just be able to have contracts with other peoples to get paid to give their farm away, or to give it to guildmates or whatever.
Id even love guild housing areas if thats possible or not too much work / effort but most definetly guild halls


Id love to be able to have people craft things or craft it myself that i can put in my house or even costumes.. so like an architect and tailor that can make houses and furniture and a tailor that can make some skins and outfits (you can still have a shop for costumes and transmogs and alike) but i think it would be cool to craft stuff yourself and then it says it was crafted by XY person and pay people to craft...

Thank you for reading sorry for typos and mistakes :D

and a last thing please dont be pay to win i think most people would rather pay for a subscription monthly specially if the game is good than having the game pay to win only add transmogs and costumes for all i care and mounts to the shop but nothing that gives significant advantages or helps people gear faster or push faster (like in FF14 shop doesnt give any advantages take this as example please)
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